VP Biden Searching for Way to Tell
President Obama That He Invested
Social Security Trust Funds in Bitcoins
  sdby Shell Davis
Post Washington Reporter
28, 2014


Vice President Joe Biden has been trying to think of a way to tell President Barack Obama that he invested the Social Security Administration's trust funds in the recently volatile internet currency, bitcoins.

Vice President Biden had invested the funds with the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange in Tokyo, which filed for bankruptcy protection Friday after being cyber-hacked to the tune of half-a-billion dollars.

"I keep calling, but the brokers won't answer," said Biden.

It is unclear how Biden gained access to the trust, which consist of all social security funds not being paid out this year.

"I thought I was doing something good," he kept muttering to himself.

The vice president, who was only recently allowed back in the White House (after the 2012 costume party), was last seen pacing outside the oval office.

Vice President Biden Ruins
White House Costume Ball

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